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DURACELL, PANASONIC, VARTA, MAXELL, ENELOOP, EVERACTIVE and SONY are just some of the brands that we have tested in our 25 years of business, and from each brand we have sold only those batteries that offer the most for the best price.
Free delivery within 24 hours for purchases over €30, 5-year warranty and our own service, at your request we can arrange the watch as a free gift.
-samo € 2,90--2600 mAh--do 1200 polnilnih ciklov-vrhunski akumulator za visoke obremenitve..
- cena za 2 kosa-poreklo ZDATEHNIČNI PODATKI :..
-samo € 0,70- 170 mAh- proizvodnja Hitachi Japan- dim: 20,00 x 2,50 mm..
-napetost : 12V-za centralna zaklepanja, alarme, kolesarske merilce, ...-dimezije : premer 10 mm, do..
-6 kosov v pakiranju-napetost 3 V-kapaciteta 165 mAh -premer: 20,00 mm-višina: 2,50 mm - z..
-€ 2,90-kapaciteta 610 mAh-prva izbira večine proizvajalcev-uporabna do 2029-dim: 24,00mm x 5,00mm..
-€ 1,70-napetost 1,5V-dim: 29mm x 11,5mm-poreklo Belgija-preverjeno najmočnejša med LR1 baterijami..